Our Business Plan includes the following documents:
- Main Business Plan (NES01), which explains our plans in summary. We’ve kept it short to help readers understand a summary of our plans without unnecessary detail.
- Long-term strategy (NES_LTDS), including annexes and models to explain our approach.
- A series of eight appendices (NES02 to NES09), which describe our plans and how we have met the methodology requirements, in more detail in each area. This includes providing the evidence required to meet Ofwat’s Quality and Ambition Assessment tests. We have written these to support people working in Ofwat on these particular topics in understanding our Business Plan and how we have tested and scrutinised this.
- A series of enhancement cases, which explain in more detail how we have made our decisions about the enhancement investments that we will make in 2025-30. This includes providing the evidence Ofwat asks for in their PR24 methodology. We have carried out benchmarking for these cases, and we provide a detailed cost benchmarking report, NES 66 (not to be published).
- Our customer research insight summaries which, along with our line-of-sight report (NES45), provide the evidence from our customer engagement. We published all of our individual research reports in our research library over the last year, and have included our qualitative and quantitative affordability and acceptability research reports in full with this submission (NES49 and NES50).
- Supporting evidence for our appendices. This includes independent reports and assessments, including for example: our full assessment of DPC suitability; our work on assessing deliverability; our work on climate change resilience and managing extreme weather risks; and our evidence on the cost of capital.
- Assurance and challenge reports, including the independent challenge report from Water Forum (NES47) and the assurance and challenge from our providers.
- Data tables, models, and data table commentaries. We have included all the models and data tables required, as well as commentaries for each block of tables.
Since submission of our PR24 Business Plan to Ofwat in October 2023, we have made changes to parts of that plan.
These have been in response to requests from Ofwat or other regulators and a small number of corrections in the detail of the submission, in some cases in response to clarifications issued after we published the plan.