Annual Performance Report
Each year we prepare a report of our performance against the outcomes set out in our business plan, details can be found in our Annual Performance Report for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

For our financial performance, details can be found in our Financial statements report.


We hope you find this review helpful and take the opportunity to find out more about the services we provide.

Open Data

While we put in place robust processes and practices in line with our Open Data strategy, we have made some improvements to the way we publish our APR data. Click here for more details.

Customer Participation

This document tells the story of where we are on the journey to involve customers of water and wastewater services in the design and delivery of their future customer experience. Click here to find out more.

Our Finances Explained

Our customers told us it can be hard to understand some areas of our finances so we held a co-creation workshop to find out which areas you need us to explain more clearly. Thanks to our customers’ participation, we’ve created a section on our website covering this. Click here to find out more.