Our reservoirs are very beautiful and it may be tempting to take a dip on a hot day, but they are operational sites so there are many hidden dangers underneath the water. These can include unknown depths, extremely cold water, machinery and really strong underwater currents as the water is pumped from the reservoir through to the water supply chain so even the strongest of swimmers can get into serious difficulty.
Even when the sun is out and the weather is hot, the water underneath the surface can be really cold as the heat of the sun cannot reach it. As you enter the water, your body goes into shock. This means that you automatically gasp for air which means you can inhale water into the lungs leading to drowning. The cold water can also cause abnormal heart rhythms with could lead to a heart attack – even in healthy young people.
Our colleagues in Welsh Water have created the video below which shows how quickly cold water shock can take hold. The RNLI’s Float to live campaign gives potentially life-saving advice for if you accidentally fall into cold water. We recommend you take a look at the advice at www.respectthewater.com.
There are dangers that can kill in lakes, reservoirs, rivers, canals, open water, ponds and the sea.
Learning to swim could save your life and swimming pools are the safest places to swim. Water is fun and if you are sensible and follow the water safety rules, you can have a brilliant time with your family and friends.