Northumbrian Water workers have raised thousands of pounds for charity and donated food supplies to help support local cancer patients, survivors, and their families over Christmas.

More than 70 Christmas hampers were collected and over £2,500 raised to support the work of North East charity, FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together), which helps and supports anyone who has been affected by cancer in any way.



Despite COVID-19 restrictions and challenges, Northumbrian Water employees still managed to collect donations for a ninth year in a row and dropped them off at the company's head office in Durham, ready to be collected by FACT and distributed in time for Christmas.


South Tyneside-born, Carolyn King, who works in Northumbrian Water's Supply Chain Management team, and coordinated the company's donation and collection effort, said: "We're passionate about supporting our local communities and making a positive difference to people's lives, which is even more important during these difficult times.  


"Our long-standing support for this charity comes because of all the amazing work they do in helping anyone affected by cancer. It's without a doubt, a charity that's really close to our hearts.


"We knew this year, given the pandemic, would be a difficult one for them - like for many other struggling charities - so we wanted to do more and decided to fundraise too."



The generous donations mark the start of Northumbrian Water's Christmas campaign, which will raise awareness of the company's fundraising efforts and its commitment to continue providing support to customers throughout the festive period.


The water company has supported many local fundraising efforts through its Cheque It Out employee funding and volunteering programme, Just an Hour, which allows employees to give a minimum of 15 hours every year to support community and charitable causes close to their hearts.


Joanne Smith, founder and Chief Executive of FACT, said: "Each year the amazing employees at Northumbrian Water never fail to amaze us with their kindness and generosity towards our Christmas appeal. They always put so much thought and effort into the gifts they pass on. 


"This year, they have still managed to pull together to support us despite the incredibly difficult circumstances we find ourselves in. The pandemic has had a huge impact on the cancer community, and to have this help towards us supporting some very poorly and vulnerable people is appreciated more than words can say."


For more information on how Northumbrian Water supports its local communities, visit: