A team of Northumbrian Water employees have stepped up to the mark and taken on the 2.6 challenge, in a bid to help raise vital life-saving funds for Cancer Research UK.
Twelve of the company's workers decided to join in with the national effort, to help support UK charities that may be struggling following the cancellation of many fundraising events due to Coronavirus.
The team, made up of colleagues from the company's Strategic and Tactical Planning department, carried out a series of challenging activities all linked to the numbers 2.6 or 26.
These included walking, running, cycling, family fitness classes, weight circuits, painting Stay Safe rainbows, running up the stairs 26 times and even planking for 2.6 minutes. All were done separately and following government safety guidelines.
Together they smashed their initial target of £50 and have so far raised over £1,200 for the heart-warming cause.
Rowlands Gill resident and team member, Helen Allister, who works as an Investment Planner, said: "It's a tough time for charities, with events being cancelled so the team wanted to help where we could.
"Cancer has impacted on some of our team members recently, so Cancer Research UK was our immediate charity of choice. The charity does fantastic work, helping to bring cures and kinder treatments to those affected by cancer.
"Our team and their families, including furry friends, worked especially hard to achieve some extremely difficult challenges and we'd like to thank all of our supporters and sponsors for their generosity."
Lisa Millett, Cancer Research UK spokesperson for the North East said: "It's truly humbling to see the response from Northumbrian Water employees and we are incredibly grateful for their support. The variety of the challenges from painting rainbows to yoga poses is wonderful to see.
"At a time when it feels like everything is at a standstill, there is one thing that hasn't stopped, cancer. Our priority as a charity is ensuring that people affected by cancer are getting the support they need right now and we can only do that with support from both the Government and the public. We simply will not be able to continue funding our life-saving work without it, so thank you for your fundraising efforts."
For more information about the team's fundraising effort and to make a donation to the ‘NWG Strategic and Tactical Planning Team's 2.6 Challenge', visit >