The work in Peterlee will add protection to Castle Eden Dene by installing new, larger pipes, that will increase capacity in the sewer network. This will help the water company to manage the flows of water at times of heavy rainfall.
New pipes will be laid from Helford Road to Sunny Blunts, along the edge of Blunts Dene, between the cricket field and the existing footpath. New sewers and an underground storage tank will be built between Sunny Blunts and Durham Way.
Work, which is due to start on Monday 5th September, is expected to take approximately 11 months and will be carried out by Northumbrian Water’s experienced partner, Mott MacDonald Bentley.
A temporary access track will be installed along the footpath between Sunny Blunts and Durham Way, with diversions in place where this requires the existing path to be closed, to the south and east of the cricket ground, for safety reasons.
David Groark, Northumbrian Water’s Project Manager, said: “This work will help to protect Castle Eden Dene by increasing capacity in our combined sewer network, which carries rainwater as well as waste from customers’ homes.
“Before and during the project, we are working closely with Peterlee Town Council, Peterlee Cricket Club and Durham County Council, to help minimise the impact on customers in the area and those who enjoy this beautiful part of County Durham.”
Information and updates on the project will be available during the course of the work here.