Northumbrian Water is inviting local residents to come and find out all about investment work that is due to begin in the Murton area.

As part of the water company′s ongoing investment programme in the region, plans are in place to improve and extend the Water Treatment Works at Murton near to Berwick.


The new works will be located next to the existing buildings and construction is expected to start in late 2018 or early 2019.


Once finished the improved Water Treatment Works will protect the water supply for years to come.


There will be no disruption to any water supplies for people in the area during the project.


Relevant Planning applications will be submitted later this year and ahead of this, residents are invited to a customer event that is being held between 4pm and 7pm on Tuesday 15 May at East Ord village hall, Berwick, TD15 2NS.


Residents can view plans, discuss the project in detail with the project leader and team and raise any questions they might have.


Northumbrian Water Project Manager, Chris Austin, said: "This is a really positive project for the area and will protect water supply for years to come. We′re hoping it will have minimum impact on the village and residents and we′d urge as many people as possible to come along on the day and find out all about it."


Anyone who can′t make the event and who wants to find out more about the work can call our Customer Contact Centre on 0345 717 1100 where one of the Project Team will be pleased to call you back.