Residents in North Tyneside are being invited to meet the project team and view the plans for the third and final phase of a flood reduction scheme in Killingworth.

Northumbrian Water has been working with North Tyneside Council and the Environment Agency to help reduce the risk of flooding to more than 3,500 properties in Killingworth and Longbenton.


The £6 million scheme, which began in July 2016, uses natural solutions, such as grassed storage areas, as well as traditional infrastructure, to hold back the amount of surface water getting into the sewer network. This will help to free up space within the pipes and reduce the risk of flooding, particularly during times of heavy rainfall.


Now the final nine months of the project, which will include re-contouring around the south bank of Killingworth Lake and some new planting, is expected to begin in late summer 2018.


Residents will be able to find out more about the scheme at a drop-in event on Wednesday May 30, 2018, between 11.30am and 7.00pm on board Northumbrian Water′s customer vehicle, Flo, at The Lakeshore Car Park, Killingworth, NE12 6TW.


The big blue vehicle will be parked there and customers are welcome on board to view the plans and have their say on the proposals. Representatives from the partnership agencies will also be on hand to answer any questions and refreshments will be available.


For customers who are unable to make it to the customer information event, a live question and answer session will also be held at the same time, on the Killingworth and Longbenton page on Northumbrian Water′s Community Portal website


Lynn Preston, Northumbrian Water′s Project Manager for the scheme, said: "We′re looking forward to sharing our plans for the final phase of our project with local people, and would welcome their say on them.


"We know how devastating flooding can be, but by working with the community and our partners, we′re reducing the risk of it happening in future, as well as protecting and enhancing the environment.


"We also encourage people to be careful around water and we′re looking forward to having the Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue service join us at our event too, demonstrating their new water safety throw line."


Cllr Steve Cox, cabinet member with responsibility for Housing at North Tyneside Council, said: "These plans are so important for us to be able to reduce the risk of flooding for residents and businesses in the area.


"We want to ensure that all of our residents can feel safe in their homes without having to worry about possible flooding and these plans also have the added benefit of improving local sporting facilities and enhancing the surrounding environment.


"I′d encourage anyone in the affected area to come along on the day and find out more and keep up to date on the plans."


Nicola Hyslop, Project Manager with the Environment Agency, said: "It′s important residents understand just how this innovative scheme will protect them into the future and I′d encourage people to come along to find out more.


"Not only is it reducing flood risk to the community but it′s also enhancing the environment and is a great example of how by working together with our partners we can provide the best possible solution to flooding in the most cost effective way."


Northumbrian Water will also be raising awareness of how customers can get involved to help manage surface water around their own homes by being "Rainwise".


The water company′s surface water management initiative encourages residents to make small changes around their homes and gardens that will complement traditional infrastructure and help communities build resilience.


For more information on Rainwise, please visit