The water company is appealing to customers to take steps to protect their properties – or risk having a flooded home or business during the coldest months of the year.
As well as the water damage and inconvenience that can be caused, a burst pipe costs on average £8,800 to fix, according to the Association of British Insurers.
However, Northumbrian Water experts say that the chance of a burst pipe is significantly reduced if property owners follow the advice and take measures to keep the freeze at bay.
Jim Howey, Head of Water Networks at Northumbrian Water, said: “So far this winter we have seen some fairly mild temperatures, but over the next few days we will be seeing a dramatic change – and that’s when burst pipes can occur.
“The steps we ask our customers to take are very easy ones, and it is so important to follow them as the impacts of a burst pipe at this time of year can truly be awful.
“As COVID restrictions currently ask that people work from home when they can, business owners in particular should be extra-vigilant when it comes to protecting their properties – as empty unheated buildings are more at risk.
“All of the pipework within the boundary of your business or home is your responsibility so the cost of the repair falls on you, therefore it is absolutely worth doing all you can to protect your home.”
Northumbrian Water’s top tips for beating the freeze:
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