Northumbrian Water Group is helping to support the fantastic work the NHS is doing in the fight against coronavirus. 

The water company is doing everything it can to ensure that the water supplies for all of the hospitals, surgeries, hospices and medical facilities in the region are as reliable and resilient as possible. 


Water teams have visited all hospitals, trusts and hospices in the region and carried out checks on the pipes and water supplies to make sure they are fully working and in the best condition.


Any work that has been needed has been carried out free of charge by the company, in order to make the sites as robust as possible and ensure the water keeps flowing. 


They’ve updated emergency plans for all of the locations and carried out checks on storage and tested back up supplies to make sure they’re ready to be used in case they are ever needed. 


All NHS and care facilities have also been made priority sites for the teams, meaning that if anything does go wrong with their supplies then our response teams are ready 24/7 to get them fixed and back on immediately. 


Managers from the water company are in regular contact with the hospital building teams are checking in and offering support regularly. 


Northumbrian Water Group, Water Director, Eliane Algaard said: “We want to do everything we can to support the NHS and the unbelievably brave teams who are helping to fight this virus. 


“At all times, hospitals are among the most important sites in our supply areas so we’re always ready to respond to any issues that may affect them.


“But at the moment we want all our NHS teams to be completely free to focus on the fantastic work they do, so we’re paying special attention to the networks that serve them so they can have total peace of mind.


“As another provider of an essential service, we’re proud to be working with our NHS to help the region get through this situation and on behalf of everyone at Northumbrian Water Group, I would like to thank all of the amazing NHS employees, all of the care givers and every one of the key workers for the incredible work they are doing. Thank you. “


The water company is offering help and support to all of its customers during COVID19. 


Anyone who needs any help or support with their water bills, or who has any concerns about paying their bills in the current climate, is asked to get in touch with our care team who can help.


Northumbrian Water customers can visit: 


Essex & Suffolk Water customers can visit: 


to find out more.


Over the last two weeks Northumbrian Water Group have already offered more than 4,000 customers a payment break and have seen the number of customers benefiting from our other financial support schemes grow to 39,000, allowing them to save up to 50% on their water bills.