Northumbrian Water Group, which provides water services to customers in Essex and Suffolk as Essex & Suffolk Water, and water and wastewater services to customers in the North East as Northumbrian Water, is now helping almost 43,000 of its customers with financial support. 


This assistance is in the form of affordable and reduced tariffs, as well as payment breaks and through the WaterSure scheme, which is for metered customers that receive benefits and need to use lots of water.


Back in March, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the utility company launched a dedicated customer help centre section on its website to signpost people to financial support and advice needed during these challenging times.


To begin with around 400 applications a day for payment breaks and other financial support were being received and, although this has reduced significantly over the months, the company still believes there are many more customers that can benefit from its dedicated support and is urging them to get in touch to see what can be done.


Lisa Connell, Customer Service Manager for Northumbrian Water Group, said: "Struggling to pay bills is often the first sign that finances are stretched. We don't want any of our customers to struggle in silence and asking us for help can be the first step towards resolving the problem.


"We have provided a number of payment holidays and are now supporting almost 43,000 customers that needed financial support and we are continuing to offer services, including bill reductions and the Priority Services Register to our customers.


"It's important for people to know that they don't have to face their problems alone. The last thing we want is for anyone to worry about how they pay their water bill. There are lots of ways we can help and all you need to do is get in touch so we can see how we can support you."


In a statement released by the Consumer Council for Water (CCW) this week, the watchdog mentioned how water companies need to be doing more to support their vulnerable customers, now more than ever, and Northumbrian Water Group is stepping up to play its part.


As well as its payment breaks and bill reduction tariffs, the company also has a flagship partnership, working directly with the national debt charity, StepChange.


If you think you would benefit from a payment break, tariff, or free debt advice, or know of a family member, friend, or neighbour whose life would be made that little bit - or a lot - easier with some support, get in touch today.


Essex & Suffolk Water Customers can contact us on 0800 121 4605 or visit


Northumbrian Water customers can contact us on 0800 121 4608 or visit