Northumbrian Water has been named a Responsible Business Champion in the 2020 Business in the Community (BITC) Responsible Business Awards, recognising its environmental leadership efforts.

The water services provider, which forms part of Northumbrian Water Group, was recognised as the only water company in ‘The UPS Environmental Sustainability Leadership Award category' alongside another four respected companies. 


The BITC awards, which are held annually, recognise outstanding contribution from companies demonstrating strong, inclusive leadership that puts social and environmental values at the core of their business.


Heidi Mottram, Chief Executive Officer at Northumbrian Water, said: "We were one of the first companies to take part in the BITC Responsible Tracker pilot last year and to support this national business benchmark measurement tool, and we're absolutely thrilled to be recognised for our leading environmental work.


"This recognition demonstrates our commitment to the environment, which is at the heart of everything we do and something we feel very passionate about. It's also a real testament to the commitment and efforts of our amazing people, who work hard to ensure customers' water services continue to flow."


Northumbrian Water Group was one of 94 companies, across 24 different sectors that took part this year and scored an overall 81%. This result placed the company as leading in the Energy and Utilities benchmark group, and the cohort as a whole - with the four strongest areas identified as Healthy Environment, Impact Measurement, Stakeholder Engagement and Supply Chains.


Amanda Mackenzie OBE, Chief Executive of Business in the Community, said: "Huge congratulations to Northumbrian Water Group and our other responsible business champions. 


"In one of the most challenging years yet for responsible businesses, it is a comfort to know that there are organisations like this, whose clear purpose and powerful leadership can set an example to their supply chain and the industry at large.


"Our 2020 awards may not have been business as usual but they leave us in no doubt that the UK has everything that it needs to build back responsibly."


For Northumbrian Water Group's environmental leadership BITC Responsible Business Award highlights, visit: