We strive to be at the heart of our communities, and that means understanding our customers and what they need us to deliver.

Our work on customer experience and satisfaction has meant we have been recognised, not just in our industry through the C-MeX measure, but also alongside the UK’s biggest brands in the KPMG Customer Experience Excellence report for 2022.


The report, by the KPMG Nunwood Excellence Centre, puts us in the top 100 companies in the country for customer experience.


We were delighted that we not only ranked highly but were one of just two utility providers on the list and included as an exemplar case study in the report.


The analysis is carried out based on six key pillars of customer service - Integrity, Personalisation, Empathy, Time and Effort, Expectations and Resolution.


These six pillars support our customer function and are widely understood across the business - even our internal processes use them as a guide, ensuring that crucial values like integrity and empathy are at the heart of everything we do.